Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Message from God V

Bear humility in the face of God.
Accept that victory is
hollow without love.

Humble yourself to other’s taunts
wether there is truth in them or not.
You don’t have to accept,
but if you don’t
heed God’s discipline,
he will make you kneel.


Michael said...

Victory IS hollow without love!

Thanks for following my blog. I appreciate it a lot as I joined Blogspot a mere three days ago. It's very encouraging. :D

"I live in a little house by the river with a cat, a daughter and some grass. In that order."

Very funny. Hahaha.

Anonymous said...

just where did you get this post?


hrix here.

Leah said...

Thanks Hrix and Michael. Its great to see that ppl actually read my stuff. I sort of wrote it with a little help from the divine. . .