Sunday, June 7, 2009

Message from God XXXIII

This I command you to do.

You need to renew my creation.

I leave this in your hands.
Gone are the days of fire and brimstone,
plagues and blood.
Humankind is nearly ready for it’s
next phase.

The Middle East is burning now
and people are dying.
Everyone is right,
and many are wrong.
Soon you will feel guilt like the mightiest wrath
of physical disaster.
This is the way I will make my Will known.

There will be despair,
and futility.
You will reach bottom.

The world won’t end
but you will not be able to deal
with the horror anymore.

You will feel abandoned and hopeless.

Instead of railing against me,
ask me for help;
through your pride and your obsolete beliefs;
and I will make things right.

I will shift the world invisibly
and the heart of man
will expand and glow.

People will come out of this haze with clear eyes
and light minds
and understand something new.
The old will fade away with no use.

War will be a thing of the past
and humans will begin the next phase.
This is my Word.

Take it how you like.
I am making it happen now.

I think you have a right to know.

If you are troubled by the changes,
call me and leave a message.
I’ll get back to you.

I always do.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Message from God XXXII

You are here because I created you.
You are here so that I can look through your eyes.

I’m here because you created me
and if you are lucky,
you can look through my eyes
on occasion
and see how beautiful you are.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Message from God XXXI

Take care of your children.

I expect them back in the good order
I gave them to you.

Your job is to make yourselves obsolete
so they can function without you.
This process will make you uncomfortable
but the education is worth it.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Message from God XXX

No matter which way you look at something
there is always another way to see.
Have faith.
Even a damaged brain can recognise
the thoughts of the Creator.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Message from God XXIX

Understand this, Mankind:

You are special
but are by no means my favourite creation.
Lucifer fell because I wouldn’t play favourites.

Respect animals because they know stuff you don’t.

People who complain that life
doesn’t come with an instruction manual
should look at their fellow creatures.
They can’t read or would even understand
a manual if they had one
they know how to operate life anyway.

Everything you need to know is inside you.
Animals know that. Humans need reminding.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Message from God XXVIII

I have chosen everyone for a different task.
Some people may look weird to you,
or think differently,
but treat them nicely. They are my friends.

Don’t discriminate against them because they are different.
You don’t have to like them as much as I do
but you have to live with them.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Message from God XXVII

Please understand that you are all my
children and I will not forsake any one of you.
So get used to sharing heaven with different people.

Don’t make me come down there.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Message from God XXVI

A word to the church that wants more flock:
Be yourself,
have faith,
accept help
and let go.

I will deliver the people.
After all, it is my expression that you are working for.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Message from God XXV

Churches save souls by following instinct and identifying miracles,
not by protecting dogma
or pushing agendas.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Message from God XXIV

Sometimes a problem is best solved by
launching an offensive that you are not confident of winning.
A sudden jolt to the fabric of reality can bend the rules of logic
and make the intractable soluble.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Message from God XXIII

Beware of people with scattered thoughts.
If you are not getting a clear reading off them
they are thinking in a different language to you.

You will find out what they were about in due course.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Message from God XXII

Although failure may sting like an expected needle,
it is necessary.

embracing it doesn’t mean that it has to be comfortable.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Message from God XXI

Beloved of people who have died violent deaths,
know this:

God is close to them at their time of death.
He puts in a personal appearance.
He hears their screams,
and feels their horror.

He accompanies them so that they are not alone.
When the spirit leaves a traumatised body,
it is handled ever so gently
because God appreciates
this sad sacrifice.

Rest assured, when someone goes to God,
there is no pain,
and even though we see everything,
we know that our loved ones are coming back to us.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Message from God XX

Try not to be afraid of death.
God has placed within everyone of us a calm.
It will deliver us at the last moment to him,
safe and sound.

Knowing this, you can bear any pain
because ultimately,
you will be OK.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Message from God XIX

Everything happens for a reason.
That is not to say that we don’t have free will
or that these things can’t co-exist.

Don’t fuss over trying to understand this.

In a world where we still don’t know everything,
anything is possible.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Message from God XVIII

Although your job on this planet may not appear obvious to you;
and searching for it may cause you heartache,
know this;

you have one.

Humble though it may be,
it is crucial.
If you were absent
the universe wouldn’t exist.

Someday, the scientists will discover this.
Meanwhile God knows this.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Message from God XVII

Don’t ask God where he was in Auschwitz,
Serbia, or Rwanda.
Don’t ask him how he could let Abu Graib happen.
He can’t stop these things.

We need to learn to stop these things ourselves.
He can only pick up the pieces and
move in people to heal them.

like the small child,
we need to clean up our own room.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Message from God XVI

Don’t bitch about God not being there when you need him.
What have you done for him lately?
Try showing some interest.
When you pray next,
include Him in your prayers.

He’s got a tough job to do.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Message from God XV

God will never give up on us as long as
has some good in them.

I like those odds.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Message from God XIV

Even if you don’t believe in God
He believes in you.

Take strength from that.

You can’t have too many friends.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Message from God XIII

Joy is better than happiness.
Joy is the presence of God working within you.
Sometimes you feel it at your lowest ebb.
It literally saves you
and is transforming.

Happiness is unreliable and relative.
Nice when you have it
but elusive when you need it.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Message from God XII

The next time you go to anger with a person,
try telling them you love them
or embrace them.
It will catch you off-guard
and catch them before they fall.

It can’t hurt,
and if you pay attention
you will feel the
working in your heart.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Message from God XI

Evil does not lie in the hearts of men
but in their actions.

Actions beget action.

Good goes to better. Bad goes to hell.

Message from God X

Killing in the name of God is an insult
almost too hard for him to bear.
What right have we to
declare Jihad on his account?

The blood of Muslims and Christians both
mingle in his fingerprints.
He washes and cannot remove the

He looks and is despairing.

The longer we hate,
The more he waits.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Message from God IX

It is not enough to sit back and just believe in Jesus.
You must act.

Your redemption may be certain,
as a loving parent
always forgives;


it is nice to be liked as well
and no-one likes a big mouth.

Make God your friend,
do something for some of his creations.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Message from God VIII

Spreading the word of God must focus on action.
Talk is not enough.
God wishes you to enjoy life
as it is short and
will soon be over.

help one another so that
the burden may be light.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Slack poster, not just a thing on your wall.

I have been a bit tardy with posting stuff on this blog. Life is very diverting isn't. Anyways, back to the Messages from God. He will not let me off this one. I've tried everything but He knows where I live.

Message from God VII

People will ask,
‘How do I know the difference
God and the devil,
or temptation?’


‘How do I know that it is really
talking to me?’


God never tells you to hurt anyone.
He gave that up with

In war on that score then,
when do you know you are fighting for God?


You are not.

You are fighting against the follies of men
freedom of choice.

God will do his best but he cannot please everyone.